Design Talks: Exclusive Interview with Theodora Kaya

Design Talks: Exclusive Interview with Theodora Kaya

November 23, 2021


Theodora Kaya was the guest of the most recent edition of Design Talks, a project born from Home’Society desire to explore all things interior design. With an extensive curriculum and experience in various areas, including wedding planning, Theodora Kaya is a reference in the world of interior design, not only in Germany but in other places as well, perpetuating great design choices and style through various buildings and homes.



Exclusive Interwiew with Theodora Kaya



Theodora Kaya has been flourishing in the world of interior design. Having worked as a wedding planner, the designer discovered how strong her love for interior design is, which led her to explore aesthetics and invest in a new path. It gave her extensive know-how, as well as the possibility to be inspired by different cultures, considering she has traveled a lot. With the aim of impressing people, and exploring her artistic creativity, Theodora Kaya takes us on a journey through her inspirations and imagination.


Theodora Kaya A Famous Interior Designer


Theodora Kaya‘s immense love for traveling granted her the experience she was looking for. She acknowledges that places are not mere locations of visitation, but rather the source of an immaculate source of inspiration. The designer showed us how Stockholm has her heart, for it is a city that holds no borders – a city so innovative that it keeps people’s lives, at all times, refreshed. This ended up being an inspiration to the designer, and she tries her best to have this inclusiveness in her work.



This inclusiveness is what appeals to clients. Theodora remembered the time one of her customers gave her a blank canvas to work on her project, allowing her to use her inspirations from scratch. When someone trusts you with your work, you feel professionally worthy, and it makes a designer feel honored and proud. As Theodora says, The client had a blind date with his house, which turned out to be love at first sight. This is every designer’s dream – complete freedom of creativity.


Idora Home


Theodora Kaya got in touch with Home’Society at a fair in Paris, the Maison et Objet. The brand’s products give her the possibility of creating a “wow” effect, as they are an eye-catcher. The fact that these products are timeless and they stay in memory truly resonates with her. She is currently enamored by minimalism and the elegant direction it can have. Mixes of marble and wood create a sophisticated environment and it is a sight to behold.


Idora Home


The designer assured that over the years the customers ’ tastes did not really change much, but they are willing to pay more for quality. Her clients seek to have minimalist space with a statement piece in it, such as gold or marble. It shows that they value quality over quantity.


Idora Home


Theodora Kaya ended our interview by sharing that designers should stay true to themselves. When they follow their heart it leads to the creating of exclusiveness and something special.



See The Rest of The Interview with Theodora Kaya Here