Coveted Culinary & Experience North – Central Italy


Coveted Culinary & Experience North – Central Italy

March 20, 2017
Each issue Coveted Magazine takes you on a luxury tour, where you can find the best of culinary art and five-star experiences. We get astounded by each trip, each journey by the variety, creativity, quality of the places we visit. This time we will take you on a remarkable journey to the Central Italy where food, fine wine and happy service have always been present in the same way as the warm weather, beautiful music and stunning landscapes. Benvenutti in Italia!

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Tano Passami L’olio

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If you are looking for five-stars establishments and yet homemade gastronomic experience then we advise you “Tano Passami L’olio” Restaurant. Situated a few steps from the heart of art and design of Milano, Tortona District, is one of the favourite places of people who enjoy table conversations and a getaway city destination. The warm restaurant demonstrates years of experience in a dish which is delicately flavoured by extra virgin oil, carefully chosen by the chef himself.

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