Exclusive Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design

Exclusive Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design

March 15, 2016

Exclusive Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design ⇒ The interior design magazine CovetED found out about modern interior design created by an international design company with offices in a Russia, Monaco and US Neumark Architects. The founder and a leading architect Anton Neumark from Neumark Architects was eager to share with our luxury magazine some interesting facts about innovative design, their working process, the world of luxury, design plans and interior design projects.


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CovetED Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design Beverly Hills Dining room


CovetED Magazine: Being nominated for “Luxury Lifestyle Award 2014”, we may speak about international acknowledgement. What is the most recent project abroad that your company has worked on?


“We get true pleasure working on the projects around the world. The world becomes smaller and we enjoy travelling a lot! Our projects are situated in the USA, Europe, Russia and Asia. The US market is the most interesting for us right now. Our latest project is the house in Beverly Hills, Bowmont Estate. A house on top of the hill, in a closed community with 270° view over Beverly Park and open space concept. Property like this is very inspiring and gives us an opportunity to create truly fascinating things, something in accordance with our vision. In such projects we can develop concepts we believe in!”


CovetED Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design Beverly Hills - Family room

“Recently, we began working on interiors of two penthouses in Miami. These are amazing projects with the breathtaking view onto the ocean. The real estate of the area is skyrocketing nowadays, the prices are growing and a lot of money is invested here. The luxury residences need exclusive, efficient design to enhance the value of realty – which seems to be the essential part of hi-end property.”




CovetED Magazine: What brands/designers do you work with?

“Work on any projects is impossible without thorough knowledge of the market of furniture, lighting, accessories, textiles and other things composing the interior design. We are perfectly aware of dozens and hundreds of brands and their catalogs, models, novelties. First of all, this is extremely interesting for us! It is quite impossible to resist the temptation to know something new, opening new opportunities. The company attends the biggest design events worldwide in order to stay alert about what is currently going on in the market. The whole process continues 24 hours per day.”


CovetED Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design Lounge bedroom


“However, we still have our favourite designers and architects who seem to be our soulmates: Eric Schmidtt, Patricia Garganti, Van Der Straeten, Tom Kirk, Giorgio Armani and many others. Although, we are working with many brands, our team produces a great part of furniture and lighting of our own. Neumark Architects independently design objects to match our interiors with the needed materials. All of this we are developing on a by-order basis in industries of our partners in Italy.”



CovetED Magazine: Can you describe the concept of your partnership cooperation with the clients?


“We start our work with a client only when we see that our views coincide in beauty, style and fashion. However, we are pretty lucky in this regard, as we are commissioned by people who like our work and our taste! Our peculiar feature consists in how we lead our design projects from the beginning until the very end.”


CovetED Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design Moscow - Master bedroom

“A long time ago, we were only drawing interiors, but today we also provide furniture, bathroom fitments, materials, lighting for the projects. Neumark’s architects work directly with manufacturers. It is more complicated than just creating design and making beautiful pictures, but it is much more efficient.”


CovetED Magazine: What is the most important detail in design for Neumark’s architects?


“The most important in our projects is attention to details! We refer to all elements of the interior with great deliberation. Every aspect has a meaning for Neumark’s architects: form, color, material, tone, texture. We believe that it is impossible to create nice interior design while considering color and material, for example, but not paying attention to furniture. The same goes for buying furniture of the right proportion but forgetting about textiles. And so on, and so forth. Every detail in design is crucial. Designers and architects know foremost that intended design scheme often differs from the result because contractors or suppliers might neglect something at any stage.”


“We are true fans of details! While designing interiors visually, we carefully think over every little thing, its location, color and form. This process is similar to the fashion business where you put things together, creating a mode. You can be dressed in a wonderful suit or a dress, but then you put on a wrong pair of shoes or a wrong accessory – and you’d better stay at home!”



CovetED Magazine: What goals do you have for the future as a company?


“We plan to design our own collection of furniture and lamps. We have plenty of interesting ideas and we have many offers from our partners ready to produce our furniture. Also, it would be interesting to design 5-6-star hotels. In fact, we have recently designed the hotel in Kuwait on the gulf coast. Right now we have representative offices in Russia, Monaco and the US. We would like to open showrooms where our furniture and lighting will be introduced live to the public. And of course, we continue doing design, creating comfortable and beautiful living spaces for people, because it is what we love to do!”


CovetED Interview with Neumark Architects about Innovative Design Nikolino - Office


CovetED Magazine: What has been the best career or life advice that you have received and what could you offer others?


“Truly love your work and enjoy the process! Don’t be afraid to try and learn a lot every day. You know, information is very important here. Information in the design field is important as nowhere else! Any interior comprises many details – and you must know what is most efficient, convenient, durable, etc.”


“At the same time, you have to be creative. You may be a very good professional but without creativity, you won’t go too far. Creativity will help you always. (I must thank Robert Rodriguez for sharing his thoughts about it!). And don’t be afraid to experiment. There is a great book about it called «Art and Fear» by  David Bayles and Ted Orland. Enjoy the process!”




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